Paintless Ding Repairs in Boston, MA

Need paintless dent removal? We can make it like the dent was never there! To save time and money call or text our experts at 508-932-8507!

What Can Be Fixed?

The Ding Doctor of Greater Boston has been providing paintless dent repairs to Boston, MA and surrounding areas for over 20 years. Our paintless dent repair is very effective for the following situations:

  • From very small to large dents
  • Door dings and minor creases
  • The paint has not been broken or cracked
  • All automobile makes and models
  • Hail Damage Repair

PDR is the preferred method for repairing hail damage on cars and trucks.

Admittedly, not all damage to the body of a vehicle can be repaired with PDR techniques, but if a dent cannot be removed completely, often the repair will make the damage almost unnoticeable. Text us: 508-932-8507!

Advantages of Paintless Dent Repair

A number of advantages for paintless dent repair by Ding Doctor of Greater Boston include:

  • No repainting or body filler needed
  • Less expensive than traditional body repair
  • Same-day service in most cases
  • No risk of paint overspray on other vehicle areas
  • No risk of incorrect color matching
  • Vehicle retains original paint
  • No “CarFax”
  • Environmentally conscious, No chemicals used
  • Can fix aluminum bodies
  • Save money and save time

A vehicle with original paint retains a higher value than a repainted vehicle. Even if it is just a door or a fender, it is always preferable to maintain the original paint on a vehicle for as long as possible.

How Is It Done?

PDR technicians use specialized tools to push the metal back into its original shape from behind the dent. Depending on the location of the damage, the panel is accessed by removing trim pieces, through window openings or by removing inner panels.

In a typical dent removal the technician manipulates the metal back into its original position. In most cases repairs can be done in one day to save you time and money. Call Now or Click Below!

Without the use of body fillers and paint, PDR is capable of bringing dents back to their original shape. With special tools and lights dents are massaged from below and above the panels, precisely bringing them back to their pre-damaged state without injuring the paint. 

The Ding Doctor of Greater Boston offers same day mobile services to save you time and money! Call or text us at 508-932-8507.

Prices vary depending on the location and complexity of the repair. A general range is usually a third of the cost of conventional collision repair.

Call DingDoctor of Greater Boston Today

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